Data Science Programming

Data Coding for Kids : Learn How To Collect Data and Solve Real-World Problems

Master Data Science and Teach Your Child to Analyze, Predict, and Solve Real-World Problems


years old


Minutes / Week


Academic Year at least to complete


children up to in groups

What will your child learn in this course

Course Outline

(7-11 years old)
Python Basic
(12-13 years old)
teacher is pointing on laptop screen to show students which line of coding is having bugs
(14-15 years old)
Python AI
(15-18 years old)


  • No prior knowledge / experience is required
  • No PC is required as we provided PC (You are welcome to bring your own for download)
  • Tablet / Laptop (Apple, Microsoft, Android) 
  • Stable WIFI / internet connection


As a parent, you’ve probably noticed how quickly technology is advancing. It’s shaping our world in ways we couldn’t have imagined even a few years ago. One of the most exciting fields emerging from this technological wave is data science, and it’s something your child can start exploring today. We’ve been teaching coding and robotics to kids for years, and we’ve seen firsthand how mastering data science can open up incredible opportunities for them—not just in their future careers, but in their everyday lives as well.

Why Data Science Matters?

You might be wondering, “Why should my child learn data science?” The answer is simple: data is everywhere. From the apps on their phones to the websites they visit, data drives the digital world. By understanding data science, your child will learn how to make sense of all that information, turning it into useful insights and powerful tools.

Scratch – The Fun Way to Start Coding

Scratch is the perfect starting point for younger children. It’s a visual programming language that makes coding fun and interactive. Kids can create games, animations, and stories while learning the fundamentals of programming.

What They’ll Learn:

    • Basic programming concepts like loops, conditionals, and variables.
    • How to create simple data-driven projects.
    • Problem-solving skills as they troubleshoot and improve their creations.
Python Basics – Stepping into the World of Data

Python is a powerful, yet easy-to-learn language that’s widely used in the tech industry. It’s the next logical step after Scratch, introducing kids to text-based programming while still being accessible enough for beginners.

What They’ll Learn:

    • Core Python programming skills.
    • How to work with data: collecting, cleaning, and visualizing it.
    • Building basic algorithms and understanding their applications.
PySide – Bringing Data to Life

PySide allows students to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs), making their data science projects interactive and user-friendly. This is where their projects start to look and feel like real-world applications.

What They’ll Learn:

    • Designing and building GUIs for their data science projects.
    • Making data visualizations that are easy to understand.
    • Developing more complex programs that incorporate user input and data analysis.
Python AI – The Future of Data Science

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the cutting edge of data science, and it’s where the most exciting developments are happening today. By learning AI, your child will be at the forefront of technology, ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

What They’ll Learn:

    • Fundamentals of machine learning and AI.
    • How to build AI models that can predict outcomes and learn from data.
    • Practical applications of AI in everyday life, from smart assistants to predictive algorithms.
Why This Course is Perfect for Your Child

In today’s data-driven world, understanding how to work with data is an essential skill. By enrolling your child in our data science programming courses, you’re not just giving them a fun and educational activity—you’re preparing them for a future full of possibilities. Whether they’re interested in becoming a data scientist, a software engineer, or even starting their own tech business, these courses will give them the tools they need to succeed.

And who knows? Maybe the next groundbreaking app or innovative tech solution will come from your child’s imagination! As a parent, there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing your child take the skills they’ve learned and use them to create something truly amazing. Let’s unlock their potential together!

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